PWA Sara Willis shows you how to do a great exercise for your biceps- the spider curl. Find us online at and on social media: Facebook and Google+- 1st Step Pro Wellness, Twitter- @1ststepwellness, and Instagram- @1stStepProWellness
how to: press fly combo
In this week's how-to PWA Sara Willis combines two exercises (the bench press and the flat bench fly) to create a great chest compound exercise. Find us online at or on social media at: Facebook & Google+: 1st Step Pro Wellness, Twitter: @1stStepWellness, Instagram: @1stStepProWellness.
How to: concentration curls
Pro Wellness Ambassador Sara Willis shows you how to do a concentration curl to develop and strengthen your biceps! Find us online at and on social media: Google+ & Facebook: 1st Step Pro Wellness, Twitter: @1stStepWellness, Instagram: @1stStepProWellness