How To: Medicine Ball Press to Toes
PWA Sara Willis shows you how to do a great exercise to really get that squeeze in your abs. Try pressing a medicine ball to your toes! Here's how! Find us online at and on social media: Facebook and Google+- 1st Step Pro Wellness, Twitter- @1ststepwellness, and Instagram- @1stStepProWellness
How To: Knee Tucks and Pike
In this video, Pro Wellness Ambassador Sara Willis demonstrates two core exercises with a stability ball, the knee tuck and the pike. Please subscribe to our channel, share our videos, and follow us on social media at: Facebook and Google+: 1st Step Pro Wellness, Twitter: @1stStepWellness, and Instagram: @1stStepProWellness.
How to: figure 8
PWA Sara Willis shares an interesting exercise for your core by doing a "figure 8" using a medicine ball! Find us on our website, on Facebook and Google at 1st Step Pro Wellness, Twitter: @1stStepWellness, and Instagram: @1stStepProWellness!
How To: Hanging Leg Raises
PWA Sara Willis shows you a great exercise for your core by demonstrating the hanging leg and hanging knee raise. Find us online at and on social media: Google+ & Facebook: 1st Step Pro Wellness, Twitter: @1stStepSupplements, and Instagram: @1stStepProWellnessWellness, Twitter: @1stStepSupplements, and Instagram: @1stStepProWellness
how to: ab circuit
In this video PWA Sara Willis shows you a great ab circuit including stability ball crunches, reverse crunches, and the bicycle. Find us online at and social media!