Alini Muller

1st Step ProWellness Ambassador Alini- Loves our B12, Multivitamin and Whey Protein
I live by the motto ‘Just do it!’ I believe that in order to accomplish great things, one has to make a few attempts.
1st Step Pro-Wellness Liquid Vitamin B12 Complex, the daily Multivitamin and Whey Protein Powder have helped me find my energy again after having a baby - especially on those mornings when getting out of bed is almost impossible.
I wake up, take a shot of B12, head outside for a run and follow it up with a Vanilla Whey Protein shake. I can honestly say that 1st Step Pro-Wellness Supplements have changed my mornings and have given me the boost I so desperately needed to get back on track.

Alini loves her family, friends and a good cup of joe. A wife of 10 years and a new mom to their baby girl, Alini works hard to take care of her family while working to complete her last year in school. She also works at her church and is passionate about mentoring others in their faith. When she takes time for herself, she loves a good run outdoors.