Angela Gevock

1st Step ProWellness Ambassador Angela- Vitamins are liquid and gluten free
I use 1st Step Pro-Wellness products because they are GLUTEN free. Three years ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease. Supplementing my diet with the proper vitamins and minerals every single day is not an option for me - it is necessary for survival. Finding gluten free supplements was a challenge. Many labels are ambiguous and misleading, but the 1st Step Pro-Wellness labels clearly state “Gluten Free”. I take these products knowing I am doing the right thing for my overall health and well-being. The fact that they are liquid and taste great is an added bonus

Meet Angela, a 47 year old who refuses to act her age. Angela has always been active and refuses to let aging take its natural course and slow her down. As a high school senior English teacher, Angela says part of the fun of teaching is being able to keep up with her students. Additionally, Angela volunteers for several community service projects, loves gardening, and traveling.