Cassandra Stacey

1st Step ProWellness Ambassador Cassandra


Ever since studying Biochemistry and Genetics as an undergraduate at Texas A&M University, I have been very cautious about what nutrients and supplements I put in my body. I expend much effort in my training and demand results. I expect nothing less from the supplements I use; however, I find most brands to be gimmicky and see minimal benefits, if any.

My perspective on supplements changed drastically after being introduced to the 1st Step Pro-Wellness brand by a fellow Tough Mudder teammate. The natural energy from the Liquid Vitamin B-12 Boost in the Cherry flavor is hands down my favorite product! It tastes great and provides energy without the artificial ingredients or the sugar-induced crash like other energy shots on the market. Everyday, I also enjoy the Multivitamin/Multimineral and the liquid Glucosamine, Chondroitin, & MSM-two products that support my Crossfit training. 1st Step Pro-Wellness is an outstanding line of nutritional supplements that fits seamlessly in my hectic lifestyle.

As a midstream pipeline engineer at an oil and gas company in Houston, Cassandra frequently finds herself traveling for work. But despite a hectic work schedule, it's important for her to have a good balance between life, work, health and fitness. A wife and Crossfit athlete, Cassandra loves to run, golf, sew and cook. She loves to inspire others in achieving a healthy work-life-health-fitness balance by sharing her experiences through her blog. Cassandra is also the proud mom to two fur-baby labs, Cali and Zoey.