Chrissy Bernal

Chrissy- 1st Step ProWellness Ambassador-A Liquid Vitamin Supplement Company




I love the 1st Step Pro-Wellness line. The protein powder is so versatile! It not only tastes great, but it bakes well, too. On top of everything tasting great, the quality of ingredients in each supplement helps me be confident that I'm treating my body with the respect it deserves. My kids love it, too!


Chrissy is a wife, mother of three, public speaker, children's book author and business professional. She is actively involved in her community and in the activities and education of her children, one of whom is special needs as a rare Primordial Dwarf with hearing impairments, Dandy Walker Syndrome and Chronic Lung Disease. Chrissy and her husband have been dedicated to providing a loving and edifying home for each of their children. She is passionate about inspiring and educating women and children to focus on their strengths and be empowered.