Tabatha Camacho

Tabatha- 1st Step ProWellness Ambassador-A Liquid Vitamin Supplement Company



In order to get my daily workout in, I start my days at 3:30 AM. With such an early start I really rely on 1st Step Pro-Wellness Liquid Vitamin B12 Complex to give me the energy I need to tackle my workout and day. I love knowing that I have such a natural energy source to turn to when I need that extra pick-me-up.

As a wife, mother of two, and Spanish teacher, Tabatha has a full schedule; it's jam packed with school, kids soccer practice, karate lessons, Spanish club meetings and academic team practices. No matter how busy she is, she always finds the time to fit in her fitness routine of strength training and cardio. She has completely changed her life around by losing 60+ lbs and following a healthy nutrition plan. Tabatha loves sharing all she has learned through her Facebook page in hopes of inspiring others to live the best and healthiest lives they can.