A Racing Heart

If you are like me, then you’re the last person to get some TLC in the day. I wake up in the morning, rush to get ready, get the baby up, give her breakfast and head to work. Then after work, it’s dinner, clean up, baby to bed, get homework done and before you know it, it is way past my bed time. Days and even weeks go by in what seems like the blink of an eye. Finding time and energy to go for a run, or to hit the gym is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

After surveying my life, and the life of many women I know, I realized that women have a predisposition for nurturing (kids, husband, family, friends) and when faced with the decision of whether to take care of ourselves or someone else in need, most times, we will opt for the latter. We often neglect our own needs for the benefit of those we love. We have compassionate hearts that beat for one another. Faced with that realization a thought occurred to me, why not combine my personal fitness and health goals with a nurturing cause? Something I can invest my heart, mind and body into.

Compassion and purpose are incredible motivators. They drive us to do more than we ever thought possible and they often keep us from giving up too hastily. Consider this: you sign up for a race, and the funds for the race go towards orphaned children, or cancer patients, or the local animal shelter, how likely are you to complete the race? Or think about a person you know that needs a little encouragement to get started on their health and fitness journey, if you commit to helping them achieve success, how much more likely are you to see it through? We tend to finish what we start when we commit ourselves to someone else. That is why having a training partner or joining a fitness group has considerably lower renouncement rates.

So in 2013 I have decided to make my fitness goals count. To take care of myself WHILE caring for someone else. My health/fitness goals are very important for my personal benefit and they are necessary; but they will also be for the betterment of someone else. After all, we have been assigned this life and with it comes purpose, destiny and great responsibilities.

I hope and pray you have a splendid new year! Happy 2013!