
How to Keep Going after the Honeymoon is over

You know how it goes. It is new and even though it may be challenging, it seems so doable. But then it hits you like a ton of bricks, the honeymoon is over. I know what you are thinking. Honeymoon? What does that have to do with fitness and a lifestyle change? Actually it has everything to do with it. For many people who decide to live a new fit life, the beginning can be quite rewarding. You see changes quickly, and you get the results needed to motivate you to continue. When the honeymoon is over the results aren't happening as quickly. It becomes difficult to continue. You are working as hard as you were before but with fewer results. The important thing is to keep going. I know it's easier said than done, but it can be done. I have a few tips to help you along your journey.

Have realistic expectations! Do not expect to run an eight minute mile after two weeks of training. Do not expect to lose 10 pounds every week. Do not expect to squat 300 pounds. Do some research and set realistic goals. At the same time, don't get discouraged if you don't achieve those results at first. If you are working hard, you will get there. Just give it time.

Do what you enjoy! I remember when I first started working out I heard that sprint intervals on the treadmill were the best form of cardio. Every workout session I would do my sprint intervals. I hated every minute of it. Then I noticed myself making excuses to get out of my sessions on the dreadmill. I finally decided that I would much rather do a form of cardio that I enjoyed than totally avoid cardio that I hate. In the end, no matter how effective it is, if I don't do it, it doesn't work.

Treat yourself! Don't be afraid to treat yourself every now and then. Keep in mind this is a lifestyle change, and the new habits that you are implementing need to be habits that you will actually be able to continue with. Don't set unrealistic expectations for yourself such as I will never eat chocolate again. If you want chocolate, eat it, and then get right back on track. Occasional treats can help you stay on track in the long run. I have a treat day every two weeks where I allow myself to eat something that I really want (usually pizza). After that meal, I jump right back on my plan. This treat fulfills my cravings, and also gives me something to work toward and look forward to.

Look for the changes! This may sound silly because you are probably thinking OF COURSE I am looking for changes. But what changes are you looking for? I give myself every opportunity to see what progress is being made. I do not limit myself to only looking at the number on the scale. I take measurements, and I take frequent progress pictures. I also keep track of the amount of weight I lift. This allows me to use all of these factors to determine the progress that I am making. While I may not always lose on the scale, I know if I really look, I will be able to find improvements in my body.

In the end the important thing is to keep working toward your goals. No matter how difficult it may be to reach them, it will be so worth it in the end. 

Meet Pro-Wellness Ambassador: Jessica

My name is Jessica Pages, and I am an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, R.I.P.P.E.D Instructor, 1st Step Pro Wellness Ambassador, Sweat Pink Ambassador and aspiring NPC bikini competitor.

I was born and raised in North Carolina, and am married with three children ages 22, 17, and, 4.

I have not always been into fitness. I have always been overweight by about 10-15 pounds, but that never bothered me.

In 2009 I became pregnant for the third time. During my first two pregnancies my weight gain was minimal, so I thought I really didn't have to worry about gaining weight the third time.

How to stay on track when you are the only one on track

We have all been there. For some of us it is our daily reality. If we are planning on living a healthy life, there comes a time when we finally have to succumb to the fact that not everyone else has the same healthy ambitions that we do. That is when the struggle begins. It is so easy to stay on track when your family or friends are following a similar program as you. The true test is whether or not you can stay on track when everyone else is off track. This does not have to be a test that you fail. Here are my top tips to help you stay on track with a healthy diet, when you are surrounded by people and food who aren't that healthy.

Criticism, Haters, and Discouragement: The Negative Nancies of Living a Healthy Life

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is good, right? Beginning an exercise program that improves your overall well-being is a great idea, isn’t it? Losing weight, feeling energized and happy, and looking better than ever should make you feel that you are on top of the world, shouldn’t it? You’d think so, but for some turning their life around and heading in that direction actually causes them a little pain along the way. I’m not talking about the pain of exercising. No, I’m talking about the emotional pain that some endure on their journey of becoming a better version of themselves physically.

Determination, Dedication, and Discipline: The Three Ds to a Successful New Year’s Resolution

In my experience as a personal trainer, college athlete, and figure competitor, I have come to realize that there are few things necessary to ensure success in reaching any goal. The top three I want to expound upon are what I refer to as “The Three Ds for Success”. They are, in no particular order, determination, dedication, and discipline. You need all three to reach your goals, especially ones related to health and fitness

Despite Struggle, Bry Finds True Happiness in Being “Healthy”

My story is not intended to glamorize eating disorders, but rather create awareness for everyone and offer hope to those who suffer or have suffered from an eating disorder. We are no different than those trying to lose weight. We all strive for the same thing – to be healthy and happy.

Moms Encouraging Moms

Today I spent my morning hanging out with a few friends and our broods of children. We have set every-other Wednesday aside to chat, drink coffee, laugh, drink coffee, let our kiddos play together and drink coffee. This time together is explicitly designed to be a place where we, as stay-at-home moms, can get together to bond by sharing the ups and downs of parenting, life and our faith. It’s also a “mommy wars” free zone and, when the kiddos‘ yells and playful shrieks momentarily die down, it’s a place where we can be honest and encouraging