
Forget the Resolutions; Here are some goals you can actually stick to

As the new year rolls around the buzz has already started about all of the resolutions that people are going to make.  I can already see the people flocking to the gym to sign up for what is going to be their year. I have been one of these people too. In the past, every year I would set a resolution to lose weight and, guess what, it never happened.  The sad part is, after the month of January, many of these resolutions are long gone and the people seem to lose sight of the result that they are working toward. I attribute this to the fact that many times, people (myself included) set resolutions, that are much too lofty for them to reach in a reasonable period of time. When they do not see immediate results, it becomes really hard for them to continue.  

What most people don't realize (and what I have had to learn) is that in order to turn your life around it is about making small changes over time. I say for this year, we throw out the resolutions, those never work anyways, and set goals for the new year. So this year, for all of those who wish to live a healthier lifestyle, I am proposing the following goals for the new year.  If you follow these it is almost certain that you will end the coming year a healthier person.

1. Eat more real food!! While this may sound silly, since we are all eating real food everyday, real food refers to food that is for the most part unprocessed.  I challenge you to throw out the microwaveable meals and boxed dinners and fill your diet with things such as fruits, vegetables, fresh dairy, and fresh meats.  In the end remember this simple rule: If your food can go bad, it is good for you, if it can't go bad, it's not good for you

2. Drink more water!! This is definitely one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. Many people have a negative misconception about water because they think that drinking too much water will make them hold water weight, when actually it is just the opposite.  When our bodies are not receiving a sufficient amount of water, they start to hold water, to help prevent dehydration.  So keeping your body fully hydrated will let your body get rid of the water that it is holding on to, and also help clean out toxins in the body. 

3. Exercise more!! Many people think that in order to start exercising you have to jump into an elaborate workout regimen.  You just need to come up with a work out schedule that you can and will stick to. For many people, something as simple as adding a walk to their daily routine would do them a world of good.  It is about analyzing your current workouts and thinking about how you can take it to the next level.  For me I am adding an extra HIIT cardio session each week.  For one of my friends, who does not usually work out, she is going to use her new exercise bike as much as she can.  The key is to challenge yourself at what ever level you are currently at.  If you are challenging yourself you WILL see results.  

4. Praise yourself more!! I really think that many people fail to meet their goals because they just give up. I have been there, and been to a point where I feel so negative about my current situation that I just don't see the point in continuing. Now that I have tried to move past that negativity, Each day I try to find something that I can compliment myself on. I don't make this up, each day I am always able to find something about myself that I am really proud of. While this may be hard sometimes, it is about looking past all of the negatives you may feel about yourself and realizing that you do have wonderful attributes.  I promise if you try hard enough, you will find that you actually love many things about yourself

On a final note, as you are setting your goals for the new year, remember that you will not reach your goals over night, you may fall off the horse, but you must be sure to jump right back on. You can meet your goals, you can be successful. So give yourself the chance to do so!!!

How to stay on track when you are the only one on track

We have all been there. For some of us it is our daily reality. If we are planning on living a healthy life, there comes a time when we finally have to succumb to the fact that not everyone else has the same healthy ambitions that we do. That is when the struggle begins. It is so easy to stay on track when your family or friends are following a similar program as you. The true test is whether or not you can stay on track when everyone else is off track. This does not have to be a test that you fail. Here are my top tips to help you stay on track with a healthy diet, when you are surrounded by people and food who aren't that healthy.

Criticism, Haters, and Discouragement: The Negative Nancies of Living a Healthy Life

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is good, right? Beginning an exercise program that improves your overall well-being is a great idea, isn’t it? Losing weight, feeling energized and happy, and looking better than ever should make you feel that you are on top of the world, shouldn’t it? You’d think so, but for some turning their life around and heading in that direction actually causes them a little pain along the way. I’m not talking about the pain of exercising. No, I’m talking about the emotional pain that some endure on their journey of becoming a better version of themselves physically.

Determination, Dedication, and Discipline: The Three Ds to a Successful New Year’s Resolution

In my experience as a personal trainer, college athlete, and figure competitor, I have come to realize that there are few things necessary to ensure success in reaching any goal. The top three I want to expound upon are what I refer to as “The Three Ds for Success”. They are, in no particular order, determination, dedication, and discipline. You need all three to reach your goals, especially ones related to health and fitness

Moms Encouraging Moms

Today I spent my morning hanging out with a few friends and our broods of children. We have set every-other Wednesday aside to chat, drink coffee, laugh, drink coffee, let our kiddos play together and drink coffee. This time together is explicitly designed to be a place where we, as stay-at-home moms, can get together to bond by sharing the ups and downs of parenting, life and our faith. It’s also a “mommy wars” free zone and, when the kiddos‘ yells and playful shrieks momentarily die down, it’s a place where we can be honest and encouraging