eating healthy

Cherries aren't just good to eat

Summertime is the season for a plethora of fresh fruits and vegetables. Whether you grow your own or purchase at your local farmers' market, now is the time to indulge. A personal favorite is cherries; not just because they taste good, but because of all the health benefits. According to a recent report by FOX News, cherries are beneficial in the following ways:

Cherries help fight cancer

The distinctive deep red pigment cherries are known for comes from flavonoids; powerful antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body. Cyanidin is a flavonoid from the anthocyanin group found in cherries that helps keep cancerous cells from growing out of control. 

Cherries help you sleep

Tart cherries contain melatonin, a hormone that helps make you feel sleepy. Two tablespoons of tart cherry juice has been shown in studies to be just as effective as a melatonin supplement. So, pour yourself a little cherry juice nightcap for a tasty bedtime sleep aid.

Cherries control blood pressure

Cherries are an excellent source of potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure by getting rid of the excess sodium in our body. Eating cherries helps keep potassium and sodium in balance, and can prevent hypertension from occurring. One cup of cherries has the same amount of potassium as a banana making it a great substitute when you are not in the mood for another boring banana.

Cherries help keep you trim

Eating cherries can help you lose weight and stay trim.  A cup of cherries is less than 100 calories and packs in 3 grams of fiber, which will keep you feeling full longer. Also, they contain many B-vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6; these vitamins are crucial for metabolism and convert nutrients into energy. What could be better than eating cherries to help you stay lean.

In addition to all of these benefits, cherries taste great.