Liquid Vitamins vs. Tablets, Capsules & Softgels

Tablets, capsules, softgels, liquid...does it really matter which form of vitamins you choose? This is a question we are asked rather frequently, and rightfully so. Lets take a look at some of the core benefits of liquid vitamins...

  1. Liquid vitamins are scientifically proven to deliver an array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and nutrients in small 1-2 convenient doses. Since the nutrients are already dissolved, absorption is nearly immediate, which means you take less.
  2. Because liquid vitamins are, well, in liquid form, they do not need to be dissolved like capsules or tablets and therefore, are available for immediate absorption.
  3. Vitamins and minerals in liquid form have better ratios of nutrients, allowing synergistic nutrient combinations that work for you.
  4. Liquid vitamins are known to be more economically priced than capsules, tablets and softgels.
  5. No more swallowing bulky pills and tablets. Liquid vitamins are much easier to ingest, which in turn, encourages you to take them on a daily basis, keeping you healthy and well.
  6. Liquid vitamins have a superior delivery system, which means they may have greater absorption than pills and tablets.

Which do you prefer: swallowing big, bulky pills multiple times a day? Or tossing back 1-2 ounces of your favorite liquid vitamins and calling it a day?

Click here to check out all of our liquid vitamins today! 

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