12 Days of Fitmas

Do you want to stay in shape over the holidays, but feel like you don't have time to get to the gym? Our 12 Days of Fitmas challenge offers a daily dose of quick exercises you can fit into any hectic schedule! 

Here's how it works:

Begin with day 1, perform that exercise. The next day, add day the exercise from day 2. For example, on day 1, you'll do burpees. On day 2, you'll perform burpees and squats. On day 3, you'll perform burpees, squats and tuck jumps, and so on... until you accomplish all of the exercises on the 12th day. 

The beauty of the 12 Days of Fitness is that you can tailor it to your very own capabilities. We recommend at least 25 of each exercise. Perform 50 of each exercise to really feel your muscles burn! Perform 100 of each exercise and earn yourself an extra bite of pie over the holidays!

Merry Fit-Mas! 
